What is the meaning of the word 'COMPANY’ ?
As per Etymology,
Company (n.)
mid-12c., "large group of people," from Old French compagnie "society, friendship, intimacy; body of soldiers" (12c.), from Late Latin companio, literally "bread fellow, messmate," from Latin com "with, together" (see com-) + panis "bread," from PIE root *pa- "to feed." Abbreviation co. dates from 1670s.
Meaning "companionship, consort of persons one with another, intimate association" is from late 13c. Meaning "person or persons associated with another in any way" is from c. 1300.
In nutshell, the word Company emphasizes on Companionship, Friendship, Togetherness as a whole, as a group. In our Modern world, we come across this word, a numerous time.
Let's look at certain Sentences and Phrases below,
1) " Hi !, I've got Company today"
2) " Hello, could I accompany you in your Life's Journey? "
The first sentences refers to a common Phrase, which means, I am currently together with Friends, Relatives or People.
The second sentence refers to, "Uniting together" or "Associating together" or "Joining in fellowship with Friends, Relatives or People.
Having said that, would it be right if, we were in Company with a Herd of Animals or a flock of Birds?
It’s time that we start knowing what the word ‘Company’ is all about. We need to understand the differences between Company and Organization.
To understand the word 'Organization', we need to understand the meaning of the word 'Organ'. The word "Organ' is a part of the word 'Organization'. Take a look at the Etymological meaning of the Word Organ.
organ (n.)
fusion of late Old English organe, and Old French orgene (12c.), both meaning "musical instrument," both from Latin organa, plural of organum "a musical instrument," from Greek organon "implement, tool for making or doing; musical instrument; organ of sense, organ of the body," literally "that with which one works," from PIE *werg-ano-, from root *werg- "to do."
Applied vaguely in late Old English to musical instruments; by late 14c. the sense of the word (used in both singular and plural form) narrowed to the large, complicated musical instrument now known by that name (involving pipes sounded by means of compressed air supplied by a bellows and worked by means of keys), though Augustine (c. 400) knew this as a specific sense of Latin organa.
The biological meaning "body part of a human or animal adapted to a certain function" is attested from late 14c., from a Medieval Latin sense of Latin organum. From early 15c. as "a tool, an instrument." The broad, etymological sense of "that which performs some function" is attested in English from 1540s. By 1788 as "a medium, an instrument of communication." Organ-grinder, "strolling musician who 'grinds' music on a barrel-organ" is attested by 1803.
Let’s get aware of the following facts: -
1) An Organ is a Musical Instrument
2) An Organ is a Tool for making, doing
3) An Organ is that, with which one works
4) An Organ functions
5) An Organ is a Part of a Body
6) An Organ exists in Humans & Animals
As per Etymology, Organization means,
organization (n.)
early 15c., organisacioun, "structure of the body or its parts;" mid-15c., "act or process of organizing, the arranging of parts in an organic whole" from Medieval Latin organizationem (nominative organizatio), noun of action from past-participle stem of organizare, from Latin organum "instrument, organ" (see organ).
Sense of "that which is organized" is by 1707; especially "an organized body of persons" (1829). Meaning "system, establishment, constitution" is from 1873. Disparaging organization man, one who conforms his individuality to the organization he serves, is from the title of the 1956 book by American sociologist William H. Whyte (1917-1999). Related: Organizational.
1) An organization is, A structure of the Body or its parts.
2) An organization is, Different parts of a Body together.
3) An organization is, The arranging of Parts.
4) An organization is, That which is Organized.
5) An organization is, An organized Body of people.
The word Organization means,
i) Organizing,
ii) Arranging,
iii) Forming a Body with different Parts or Organs.
Human Body has different Organs or Parts. Human Body has Internal organs such as (Heart, Lungs) and External organs such as (Eyes, Ears)
Similarly, an Organization has different parts both Internal and External.
In an Organization, we need to,
1) Arrange ourselves
2) Organize ourselves
3) Allocate ourselves
4) Function ourselves
5) Establish ourselves with one another.
Therefore, COMPANY talks about, Friendship, Companionship, Togetherness (and)
ORGANIZATION talks about Formation, Organizing and Functioning.
Company is all about,
1) How well we treat, one another,
2) How well we express, to one another,
3) How well we be a part of one's thoughts
4) How well we sense ones emotion,
4) How well we express our feelings,
5) How well we support one another.
A Company includes the following elements and aspects.
We need to,
1) Recognize one another,
2) Know one another,
3) Accept one another,
4) Share with one another
5) Exchange among one another,
6) Discipline ourselves,
7) Unite ourselves,
8) Associate ourselves with the right Interests,
9) Relish Thoughts, with one another
10) Take Pleasure in enjoying the moment with one another,
11) Take part in Communion, (that is, ......the sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings (As per Web Definition)
12) Have Self-control over our emotions.
Friendship + Frequency of Companionship builds structures to form an Organizations.
A Company is the KEY foundation to form and build Organizations
Company + Organization = Prosperity (Blessings / Success / Money)
* Blessing is a Gift from God, of what we have sown in Heaven.
* Money is a Reward or Fruit of what we have sown on Earth.
Growth enables Multiplying in numbers,
Frequency means the number of occurrences of an event;
The FREQUENCY of COMPANIONSHIP increases the understanding and helps in Learning, Knowing, Growing and building strong relationships.
Company > Organization > Success
1) DO NOT, deviate yourself in differentiating and defining the word Company with Bad/Good, by doing so, it would only exaggerate one's own mental abilities.
We could rather use the word Strong/Weak to know the current state of our relationship and find solutions.
2) Companionship is all about finding solutions to enhance our strengths and have a sustained healthy relationship.
3) Be the inner you, of what you really are.
4) Let not let your Mind battle within yourself
5) Company is a beautiful and nicest thing in the Universe. It helps us to live in Harmony.
6) How could something nice be Bad. Its all about the, behavior, character and attributes of an Individual that defines a person. The very purpose of a Company is to nourish, find solutions and solve problems, understand and strengthen relationships.
"Acceptance is the most difficult word to cling on, we need to Learn to Accept."
That is all, what it’s all about! Understand it and have a wonderful life. :-)
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